Sunday, April 15, 2007

Experience and Experiences

It’s very hard to let go of experience. The more experience you gain the harder it is to accept something new… and why should you? After all, experience is what you’ve experienced. Why would you change your idea about something just because everyone says that it’s the right approach and it makes sense logically! It only sounds good but you’ve never seen it done before and you deduce that in practical circumstances it will fail, based on your experience.

The older you grow the more set in your ways you become. The problem is that sometimes experiences trick us. Experiences are really, what we see and what we feel and most of what we observe, but experience itself is virtual. The lessons learnt are not necessarily the best, we’re very sure of what we’ve seen and that clouds our vision. What I’m trying to say is that sometimes our experiences are locked in to our own actions. We get the same results from the same actions and that’s why we know for sure what to expect.

We are tricked by the consistency of our actions. When new ideas of different attitudes come up, we never think of how rigid our actions were, we think of how rigid the results were. We stop listening, not because we’ve tried all attitudes and saw the same results but because we’ve seen the same results period.

Experience is very hard to let go of. Experience is time. Experience is observation. Experience is a set of feelings. Experience is an essence for some.

The trouble is that it’s a bag we carry that weighs us down sometimes. On some occasions we find something in there that we can use well, but at other times we have to take out the old and put in the new. It is only when experiences are carved in stone that they have an adverse effect.

People are distanced by their experiences. Those experiences that never allow for a change of attitude or tolerance for a different outcome; those are what distance people.


  1. My parents seemed to be much more open-minded when they were younger. It seems that the more experience they gained, the less tolerant they became. It's the smart person who learns from experience, but is still willing to experience other views.

  2. I personally find it scary that I just might end up not being a smart person.

  3. We don't necessarily have to be smart, it's wise that we should hope for.

  4. Alluring, I absolutely agree, very often we mistake intelligence for wisdom. In fact most values we hold on to have little to do with intelligence.
