Sunday, April 29, 2007

Quick Sand

To resist sinking into quick sand you have to surrender and let yourself go..

I've let myself go..

But am I in quick sand?


  1. does it feel like sinking?

  2. Well .. it feels like sinking, that's for sure, but the question is, now that I've let go, does it feel like floating?

  3. hey.. in the past two days, that post of urs was all i could hear echoing in my head.. i can totally relate!!!

  4. Is it like slowly and comfortably yet desperately swimming in confusion?

  5. i wish.. it's more like fighting every instinct not to let go in order to finally float.. yet still sinking big time.. and just as i start to float, i sink again.. am i making sense?

  6. Yes, you're making sense.. and you've described it better than I have.. because at the end of the day, when you let go and start sinking again you start to wonder if it really is quick sand..
