Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hinder Me Some More

Hinder me some more because when the time comes to act I will explode. I’ve been tired and worn down for so long that I’ve almost become immune. But with my feeble strength I shall explode. With my malnutrition I shall fight and I shall be strong. For years you’ve oppressed me and stamped on me and my kin you’ve wronged. I can’t stand another rich man making more money and forcing me to pay what little I have. Hinder me some more before I explode into a revolution. I cannot stand to see another figure of power abuse me and beat me, hinder me some more before I avenge myself. I cannot stand to see injustice upon injustice from those who swore to give me justice, hinder me before I explode. I’m already dead, and so if you care for your life, stop killing me more.


  1. I Can't wait for a revolution...

  2. That good sir is a work of art. It's beautiful. I can say I honestly believe that the revolution is coming.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. this might get me beheaded,

    but the opium poppy has come adorned with a zabeeba and along beard. To feed the indigent and those without means.......

    a work of true art my friend..... and my bad about the debate simmering around the bend concerning the 4 letter word...I misunderstood you...

  5. thx Juka

    Z, I agree with your opium poppy analogy which I thought was very clever.

    As for the 4 letter word it always opens up a can of worms.. no worries..

  6. whats the four letter word? am daft..

    leh el nakad dah bas? come join me in my delusions :)

  7. Ya N, the four letter word is something not so for from your delusions..

    You know I always join you in your delusions :)
