Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A Woman's Forgiveness

Dostoevsky says:

'Never ask a woman for forgiveness, on no account will she forgive you in a simple manner, no, she will degrade you to the level of a floor-cloth, she will find things that never even happened, will take everything, forget nothing, add things of her own and only then forgive'

and he says that this is so with the best of them.


  1. never mind, dear. men are the same. we suffer too..

  2. women ARE delusional in many ways (all apologies to the females reading this) ... most of them admit it anyways :)

  3. i find it hard to forgive when i am asked to... forgiveness comes on its own when one is ready, man or woman!

    kovs, there is one problem with ur theory; a lot of men are delusional too, i know that first hand... but the delusional men i've seen never admit to it, so that gives women and edge :p

  4. Wow leih kol da ya ostaz Will? :)

    I don't know why we feel obliged to make general comments about either men or women. Human beings in general are complex creatures, and it is unfair to group billions of them under one umbrella because of our own very, very limited experiences and interactions.

    Although there are general characteristics that apply to both genders, I still find it hard to accept any statement that begins with: "Men are..." or "Women are..." It's only fair to know people on a case by case basis because otherwise we'll find these generalizations creeping up on our minds subconciously which would make us either illicit the kind of behaviour we don't want (rather like a self-fulfilling prophecy) or assume that it will happen anyway.

    Enough rambling :)

  5. Well, if you ask me on a personal level.. THAT IS SO TRUE!. Normally, someone would brains would forgive a stupid mistake without having to be asked for forgiveness... but if someone (especially a guy) has done me wrong enough to need to ask for my forgiveness I will shred him before I mop the floor with what's left of him and I won't forgive him!
    And I'm taking your post as a sign, cause over the past two weeks, I've been stumbling upon Dostoevsky very frequently and its about time I read for the guy!

  6. OK! Let me admit something here Will. If I forgive a guy for doing me wrong that means that it doesn't hurt me any more.
    But if I wonder why it doesn't hurt any more, the only reason is that I don't care that much any more.
    Usually, forgetting a man's compiled mistakes, is not possible, because men err in non-stop-series. No man stops at one mistake, and never does he realize the true motive behind my lack of action. I don't react not because I accept, it is because I'm indifferent.

  7. inso: I could say the exact thing but with an extra "WO" ... and i HAVE witnessed it first hand bardo ...

    i guess it all comes down to what Eventuality said which i find extremely wise and true...

    but we still have to admit like will said ... that u ladies hold on to the smelly stuff longer ... sometimes for no reason.

  8. well kov, labels never did anyone any good...

    HOWEVER, if women tend to hold on to smelly stuff more is because i think they have a better sense of smell; hormones and stuff :p

    and for what it's worth, Will did not say that... i don't think dostoevsky did either... just a line from a novel... there are lots of those that do not necessarily apply


  9. i love dostoevsky, he had every reason in the world to be a misogynist i think

    i always imagine him in a chair with a bottle listening and responding succinctly but powerfully and subtly

  10. I say if you want to forgive someone, do it and be done with it, man or woman.
    Also, a preconceived notion isn't always right.
