Here are the links to all news items indicating that the police are implicated in voting for Shafik.
El Badil - Dead people among voters and conscripts voting in Mounofeya
عيون مصر: أسماء متوفين بكشوف الناخبين.. وتصويت مجندين بالمنوفية وتوجيه ناخبين لاختيار شفيق | البديل
Tahrir News - 3 Police personnel found voting in Gharbeya
ضبط 3 من عناصر الشرطة خلال قيامهم بالتصويت بإحدى اللجان الانتخابية بالغربية - التحرير
Al Yom 7 - Officer filing complaint saying 900 thousand police conscripts voted for Shafik
اليوم السابع | بلاغ يتهم ضباطاً باستخراج 900 ألف بطاقة لأفراد شرطة للتصويت لشفيق
ONA News Agency - Amr Moussa campaign asks for investigations over 900 thousand conscripts voting
حملة موسى: تطالب بالتحقيق فى تصويت 900 ألف مجند بالجيزة في الجولة الأولى من انتخابات الرئاسة |
Shorouk News - Baggato says CDs indicate that army and police conscripts are in the voter lists
صوت بلادي - بجاتو: تلقيت «سيديهات» تثبت وجود مجندين وضباط شرطة وجيش في قوائم الناخبين :: بوابة الشروق :: نسخة الموبايل ::
Ahmed Abdel Aleem - Facebook note with an account of fake voters added in so that elections are rigged.
كلام خطير جدا...
Update: Worker's Party website supports Ahmed Abdel Aleem's story:
شفيق نجح بملايين الأصوات الوهمية التى أضيفت لجداول الناخبين .. ونور عبد الصمد حذر من ذلك وقدم بلاغا للنائب العام ونشرنا ذلك فى 2 مايو الحالى
Combine all that with finding a name 50 times in the voting roster
Ahram Online - A voter in one of the polling stations in the Nile Delta Gharbiya governorate found his name listed on the voting roster more than 50 times. Cases of voters' who were registered in multiple entries on voting lists were a recurrent phenomenon during past parliamentary elections.
And with possible fraud in the NY Consulate
April 6 reports confirm that policemen not only have been directing voters to vote Shafik but also voting themselves:
Report 1: April 6 Youth movement
Report 2: April 6 Youth movement
Twitter User: @newegyptian
Colleague whose brother is in army said he'd been released to vote. When i asked for who she realized mistake & clammed up.
Update II
The Carter Center's Preliminary Statement states that:
"Witnesses reported that presiding judges received a supplementary voters’ list at the opening of the
polls. The PEC advised The Carter Center that these supplementary lists included the names of
security forces staff that were received after the voters’ lists had been prepared, and were sent to all
polling stations. As security forces employees, these persons were ineligible to vote, but had not been
removed from the voters’ list. Presiding judges were therefore instructed to exclude those on the
supplementary lists from their respective voters’ lists. The late dissemination of such supplementary
lists could cause suspicion. In the future, these lists and their content should be made clear to voters,
judges, and poll workers and the list produced well in advance of election day."
This raises questions as to whether the supplementary voters' list included all the policemen indeed, and whether this list was actually enforced. Considering previous evidence, it seems likely that the list may not have been comprehensive and may not have even been enforced.
Picked up by Arabic media now:
Al Watan- Carter report states that judges received supplementary lists of police voters and did not enforce them.
الوطن | تقرير «كارتر»: القضاة تسلموا قوائم إضافية «لناخبين من الشرطة» ولم يستبعدوها
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How voter data should have been handled |
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How voter data seems to have been handled |
Update III:
Ministry of Defense refuses to give out conscripts National ID numbers due to concerns over national security: العليا للإنتخابات : وزارة الدفاع رفضت ارسال بيانات الرقم القومى للمجندين | الموجز
Update IV:
Good video summary of voter injection.
Al Arabiya picks up on the voter injection
Update VI:
Hamdeen Sabbahi, Khaled Ali and Abol Fottouh Campaigns sum up fraud
For updates on relevant stories, also : Updates on #EgyPresElex: irregularities, #SabahiPresser « Into Oblivion